Dynamic Cluster ReconfigurationΒΆ

[[add-table]] === Adding a Table

A table can be added at any time, using either of two methods:

  • Use the Admin Server’s HTTP service: follow the “Add a table” hyperlink at the bottom of the top-level page.
  • Use the brick_admin CLI interface at the Erlang shell. See

link:hibari-contributor-guide.en.html#add-a-new-table[Hibari Contributor’s Guide, “Add a New Table” section].

[[remove-table]] === Removing a Table

NOTE: The current Hibari implementation does not support removing a table.

In theory, most of the work of removing a table is already done: chains that are abandoned after a migration are shut down * Brick pinger processes are stopped. * Chain monitor processes are stopped. * Bricks are stopped. * Brick data directories are removed.

All that remains is to update the Admin Server’s schema to remove references to the table.

[[chain-length-change]] === Changing Chain Length (Changing Replication Factor)

The Hibari Admin Server manages each chain as an independent data replication entity. Though Hibari clients view multiple chains that are associated with a single table, each chain is actually independent of the other chains. It is possible to change the length of one chain without changing any others. For long term operation, such differences do not make sense. But during short periods of cluster reconfiguration, such differences are possible.

A chain’s length is determined by specifying a list of bricks that are members of that chain. The order of the list specifies the exact chain order when the chain is in the healthy state. By adding or removing bricks from a chain definition, the length of the chain can be changed.

A chain is defined by the Erlang 2-tuple of {ChainName, ListOfBricks}, where each brick in ListOfBricks is a 2-tuple {BrickName, NodeName}. For example, a chain of length two called footab_ch1 could be defined as:

{footab_ch1, [{footab1_ch1_b1, 'gdss1@box-a‘}, {footab1_ch1_b1, 'gdss1@box-b‘}]}

The current definition of all chains for table TableName can be retrieved from the Admin Server using the brick_admin:get_table_chain_list() function, for example:

%% Get a list of all tables currently defined. > brick_admin:get_tables(). [tab1]

%% Get list of chains in ‘tab1’ as they are currently in operation. > brick_admin:get_table_chain_list(tab1). {ok,[{tab1_ch1,[{tab1_ch1_b1,’gdss1@machine-1‘},


This above chain list for table tab1 corresponds to the chain and brick layout below.

.Table tab1: Two chains of length two across two Erlang nodes on two physical machines svgimage::images/tab1-2x2[align=”center”, scaledwidth=”70%”]

NOTE: To change the definition of a chain, use the change_chain_length/2 or change_chain_length/3 functions. For documentation, see link:hibari-contributor-guide.en.html#changing-chain-length[Hibari Contributor’s Guide, “Changing Chain Length” section]

NOTE: When specifying a new chain definition, at least one brick from the current chain must be included.

// JWN: Is it dangerous to allow an admin the opportunity to NOT SPECIFY the head // of the chain in the new chain definition or to SPECIFY only a brick // that is under repair? I guess I see an opportunity for some // “dynamic” (and not just static) pre-conditions that should/could be // checked FIRST before starting to execute the changes.

[[chain-change-same-algorithm]] ==== Chain changes: same algorithm, different tasks.

The same brick repair technique is used to handle all three of the following cases:

  • adding a brick to a chain
  • brick failure
  • removing a brick from a chain

==== Adding a brick to a chain

When a brick B is added to a chain, that brick is treated as if it was a member of the chain that had crashed long ago and has now been restarted. The same repair algorithm is used to synchronize data on brick B that is used to repair bricks that were formerly in service but since crashed and restarted. See xref:chain-repair[] for a description of the Hibari repair mechanism.

==== Brick failure

If a brick fails, the Admin Server must remove it from the chain by reordering the chain. The general order of operations are:

  1. Set new roles for the chain’s bricks, starting from the end of the chain and working backward.
  2. Broadcast the new chain membership to all Hibari clients.

If a Hibari client attempts to send an operation to a brick during step #2 and before the new chain info from step #2 arrives, that client may send the operation to the wrong brick. Hibari servers will automatically forward the query to the correct brick. Due to network latencies and asynchronous message passing, it is possible that the query be forwarded multiple times before it arrives at the correct brick.

Specific details of how chain replication handles brick failure can be found in van Renesse and Schneider’s paper, see xref:chains[] for citation details.

===== Failure of a head brick

If the head brick fails, then the first middle brick is promoted to the head role. If there is no middle brick (i.e. the length of the chain was two), then the tail brick is promoted to a standalone role (chain length is one).

===== Failure of a tail brick

If the tail brick fails, then the last middle brick is promoted to the tail role. If there is no middle brick (i.e. the length of the chain was two), then the head brick is promoted to a standalone role (chain length is one).

[[failure-middle-brick]] ===== Failure of a middle brick

The failure of a middle brick requires the most complex recovery procedure.

  • Assume that the chain is three bricks: A -> B -> C.
** If the chain is longer (more bricks upstream of A and/or more
bricks downstream of C), the procedure remains the same.
  • Brick C is configured to have its upstream brick be A.
  • Brick A is configured to have its downstream brick be C.
  • The head of the chain (brick A or the head brick upstream of A) requests a log flush of all unacknowledged writes downstream. This step is required to re-send updates that were processed by A but have not been received by C because of middle brick B‘s failure.
  • Brick A waits until it receives a write acknowledgment from the tail of the chain. Once received, all bricks in the chain have synchronously written all items to their write-ahead logs in the correct order.

==== Removing a brick from a chain

Removing a brick B permanently from a chain is a simple operation. Brick B is handled the same way that any other brick failure is handled: the chain is simply reconfigured to exclude B. See xref:chain-reordering-middle-brick-fails[] for an example.

IMPORTANT: When a brick B is removed from a chain, all data from brick B will be deleted when the operation is successful. At this time, the API does not have an option to allow B‘s data to be preserved.

// JWN: Wah ... a typo could be very dangerous. Delayed deletion of // the data and/or some other protective mechanism could be helpful.

[[chain-migration]] === Chain Migration: Rebalancing Data Across Chains

There are several cases where it is desirable to rebalance data across chains and bricks in a Hibari cluster:

  • Chains are added or removed from the cluster
  • Brick hardware is changed, e.g. adding extra disk or RAM capacity
  • A change in a table’s consistent hashing algorithm configuration forces data (by definition) to another chain.

The same technique is used in all of these cases: chain migration. This mirrors the same design philosophy that’s used for handling chain changes (see xref:chain-change-same-algorithm[]): use the same algorithm to handle multiple use cases.

==== Example: Migrating from three chains to four

[[chain-migration-3to4]] .Chain migration from 3 chains to 4 chains svgimage::images/chain-migration-3to4[align=”center”, scaledwidth=”80%”]

In the example above, both the 3-chain and 4-chain configurations used equal weighting factors. When all chains use the same weighting factor (e.g. 100), then the consistent hashing map in the ``before’’ and ``after’’ cases look something like the figure below.

[[migration-3to4]] .Migration from three chains to four chains svgimage::images/migration-3to4[align=”center”, scaledwidth=”70%”]

It doesn’t matter that chain #4’s total area within the unit interval is divided into three regions. What matters is that chain #4’s total area is equal to the regions of the other three chains.

==== Example: Migrating from three chains to four with unequal weighting

The diagram xref:migration-3to4[] demonstrates how a migration would work when all chains have an equal weighting factor, e.g. 100. If instead, the new chain had a weighting factor of only 50, then the distribution of keys to each chain would look like this:

.Migration from three chains to four with unequal chain weighting factors [options=”header”] |========= | Chain Name | Total % of keys before/after migration | Total unit interval size before/after migration | Chain 1 | 33.3% -> 28.6% | 100/300 -> 100/350 | Chain 2 | 33.3% -> 28.6% | 100/300 -> 100/350 | Chain 3 | 33.3% -> 28.6% | 100/300 -> 100/350 | Chain 4 | 0% -> 14.3% (4.8% in each of 3 regions) | 0/300 -> 50/350 (spread across 3 regions) | Total | 100% -> 100% | 300/300 -> 350/350 |=========

For the original three chains, the total amount of unit interval devoted to those chains is (100+100+100)/350 = 300/350. The 4th chain, because its weighting is only 50, would be assigned 50/350 of the unit interval. Then, an equal amount of unit interval is taken from the original chains and reassigned to chain #4, so (50/350)/3 of the unit interval must be taken from each original chain.

==== Hotspot migration

With the lowest level API, it is possible to assign “hot” keys to specific chains, to try to balance a handful of keys that are very frequently accessed from a large number of keys that are very infrequently accessed. The table below gives an example that builds upon xref:migration-3to4[]. We assume that our “hot” key is mapped onto the unit interval at position 0.5.

.Consistent hashing lookup table with three chains of equal weight and a fourth chain with an extremely small weight [options=”header”] |========= | Unit interval start | Unit interval end | Chain name | 0.000000 | 0.333333... | Chain 1 | 0.333333... | 0.5 | Chain 2 | 0.5 | 0.500000000000001 | Chain 4 | 0.500000000000001 | 0.666666... | Chain 2 | 0.666666... | 1.0 | Chain 3 |=========

The table above looks almost exactly like the “Before Migration” half of xref:migration-3to4[]. However, there’s a very tiny “hole” that is punched in chain #2’s space that maps key hashes in the range of 0.5 to 0.500000000000001 to chain #4.

[[adding-removing-client-nodes]] === Adding/Removing Client Nodes

It is not strictly necessary to formally configure a list of all Hibari client nodes that may use a Hibari cluster. However, practically speaking, it is useful to do so.

To bootstrap itself to be able to use Hibari servers, a Hibari client must be able to:

  1. Communicate with other Erlang nodes in the cluster.
  2. Receive “global hash” information from the cluster’s Admin Server.

To solve both problems, the Admin Server maintains a list of Hibari client nodes. (Hibari server nodes do not need this mechanism.) For each client node, a monitor process on the Admin Server polls the node to see if the gdss or gdss_client application is running. If the client node is running, then problem #1 (connecting to other nodes in the cluster) is automatically solved by using net_adm:ping/1. Problem #2 is solved by the client monitor calling brick_admin:spam_gh_to_all_nodes/0.

The Admin Server’s client monitor runs approximately once per second, so there may be a delay of up to a couple of seconds before a newly-started Hibari client node is connected to the rest of the cluster and has all of the table info required to start work.

When a client node goes down, an OTP alarm is raised until the client is up and running again.

Two methods can be used to view and change the client node monitor list:

  • Use the Admin Server’s HTTP service: follow the “Add/Delete a client node monitor” hyperlink at the bottom of the top-level page.
  • Use the Erlang CLI to use these functions:

** brick_admin:add_client_monitor/1 ** brick_admin:delete_client_monitor/1 ** brick_admin:get_client_monitor_list/0