Client API: UBF

link:[The UBF protocol] is a formally-specified family of protocols that are supported by a large number of client languages. This section attempts to describe the layers of the UBF protocol stack, how to use the UBF client in Erlang and other languages, and how to use that client to access a Hibari storage cluster.

The Hibari source distribution includes UBF/EBF protocol support for the following languages:

  • Erlang, see xref:using-ubf-erlang-client[]
  • Java, see xref:using-ubf-java-client[]
  • Python, see xref:using-ubf-python-client[]


The Hibari Server’s Implementation of the UBF Protocol Stack

UBF(A): Bottom Layer, transport and session protocol layer

This layer plays the same basic role as many other serialized data transport protocols that use TCP for host-to-host transport, such as link:[ONC-RPC], link:[CORBA IIOP], link:[Protocol Buffers], and link:[Thrift].

Hibari servers support several of these session protocols on top of a TCP/IP transport protocol. The choice of session protocol is a matter of convenience and/or support for the application developer. Hibari should be as easy for an app developer to use Ruby and JSON-RPC as it is to use Python and Thrift or EBF.

  • UBF(A), Joe Armstrong’s original session layer protocol
  • EBF, the Erlang Binary Format. The session layer protocol is a thin, efficient that uses the Erlang BIFs term_to_binary() and binary_to_term() to serialize Erlang data terms. This protocol is very closely related to the link:[BERT protocol].
  • JSON over TCP, also called JSF (the JavaScript Format). Erlang terms are encoded as link:[JSON terms] and transmitted directly over a TCP transport. This protocol is not in common use but is easy to implement in the UBF server framework.
  • HTTP, the link:[Hypertext Transfer Protocol]. This protocol is used to support Hibari’s link:[JSON-RPC] server.
  • link:[Thrift]. Similar to EBF, except that Thrift’s binary encoding is used for the wire protocol instead of UBF(A) or Erlang’s native wire formats.
  • link:[Protocol Buffers]. Similar to EBF, except that Google’s Protocol Buffers binary encoding is used for the wire protocol instead of UBF(A) or Erlang’s native wire formats. Hibari support is experimental (i.e. not yet implemented).
  • link:[Avro]. Similar to EBF, except that Avro’s binary encoding is used for the wire protocol instead of UBF(A) or Erlang’s native wire formats. Hibari support is experimental (i.e. not yet implemented).

UBF(B): Middle Layer, the “contract”

UBF(B) is a programming language for describing types in UBF(A) and protocols between clients and servers. UBF(B) is roughly equivalent to to Verified XML, XML-schemas, SOAP and WDSL.

This layer enforces a protocol “contract”, a formal specification of all data sent by the client and by the server. Any data that does not precisely conform to the protocol is rejected by the contract checker (which is embedded in the server). If the client wishes, it may also use the contract checker to validate data sent by the server, though this not commonly done.

UBF(C): Top Layer, the UBF Metaprotocol

The metaprotocol is used at the beginning of a UBF session to select one of the UBF(B) contracts that the TCP listener is capable of offering. At the moment, Hibari servers support only the “gdss” contract, but other contracts may be added in the future.


UBF representation of strings vs. binaries

The Erlang language does not have a data type specifically for strings. Instead, strings are typically represented as lists of integers (ASCII byte values) and/or binaries.

A UBF contract makes a distinction between a string, list, and binary. In the case of a string, UBF(A) encodes a string using the notation {'#S', "Hello, world!"} to represent the string “Hello, world!”.

This string encoding is cumbersome to use for developers; in Erlang, the ubf.hrl header file includes a macro ?S("Hello, world!") as a slightly less ugly shortcut. When using other languages, the 2-tuple and the atom '#S' would be created as any other 2-tuple and atom.

Fortunately, there is only one case where the string type is necessary: using the startSession metaprotocol command to start using the Hibari data server contract. An example will be shown below.


Steps for Using a UBF-based Protocol in Any Language

The steps to use a UBF-based protocol are the same in any language.

  1. Create a connection to the UBF server.
    • ... or the EBF server, or the JSON-RPC server, or the Thrift server, or the ....
  2. Use the UBF metaprotocol to start using the gdss contract, i.e. the Hibari server contract.
  3. Send one or more Hibari server queries and decode the respective server responses.
  4. Close the connection to the UBF server.


The Hibari UBF Protocol Contract

The Hibari UBF Protocol contract can be found in the file ubf_gdss_plugin.con.


See the Hibari source code for the most up-to-date version of this file. link:./misc-codes/ubf_gdss_plugin.con[This documentation has a copy of ubf_gdss_plugin.con], though it may be slightly out-of-date.

The names of the UBF types specified in the contract may differ slightly from the names of the types used in this document’s xref:client-api-erlang[]. For example, the UBF contract calls the key expiration time time exp_time(), while the type system in this document calls it expiry(). However, in all cases of slightly different names, the fundamental data type that both names use is the same: e.g. integer() for expiration time.

For each command, the UBF contract uses the following naming conventions:

  • CommandName_req() for the request sent from client -> server, e.g. set_req() for the set command.
  • CommandName_res() for the response sent from server -> client, e.g. set_res() for the set response.

The general form of a UBF RPC call is a tuple. The first element in the tuple is the name of the command, and the following elements are arguments for that command. The response can be any Erlang term, but the Hibari contract will only return the atom or tuple types.

The following is a mapping of UBF client request type to its Erlang API function, in alphabetical order.:

  • add_req() -> brick_simple:add(), see xref:brick-simple-add[].
  • delete_req() -> brick_simple:delete(), see xref:brick-simple-delete[].
  • do_req() -> brick_simple:do(), see xref:brick-simple-do[].
  • get_req() -> brick_simple:get(), see xref:brick-simple-get[].
  • get_many_req() -> brick_simple:get_many(), see xref:brick-simple-get-many[].
  • replace_req() -> brick_simple:replace(), see xref:brick-simple-replace[].
  • set_req() -> brick_simple:set(), see xref:brick-simple-set[].
  • rename_req() -> brick_simple:rename(), see xref:brick-simple-rename[].


Using the UBF Client Library for Erlang


  1. When using the Erlang shell for experimentation & prototyping, that shell must have the path to the Erlang UBF client library in its search path. The easiest way to do this is to use the arguments -pz /path/to/ubf/library/ebin to your Erlang shell’s erl command.
  2. When writing code, the statement -include("ubf.hrl"). at the top of your source module to gain access to the ?S() macro. Due to limitations in the Erlang shell, macros cannot be used in the shell.

As outlined in xref:using-ubf-in-any-language[], the first step is to create a connection to a Hibari server. If the Hibari cluster has multiple nodes, then it doesn’t matter which one that you connect to: all nodes can handle any UBF request and will route the query to the proper brick.

  1. Create a connection to the UBF server (on “localhost” TCP port 7581):

    (asdf@bb3)54> {ok, P1, _} = ubf_client:connect("localhost", 7581, [{proto, ubf}], 5000).
    {ok,<0.139.0>,{'#S', "gdss_meta_server"}}

    The second step is to use the UBF metaprotocol to select the Hibari server, contract, called “gdss”, for all further commands for this connection.


    The Hibari server contract is “stateless”. All replies terms from the ubf_client:rpc/2 function use the form {reply,ServerReply,UBF_StateName}. Because the Hibari server contract is stateless, the UBF_StateName will always be the atom none.

  2. Use the UBF metaprotocol to request the “gdss” contract:

    (asdf@bb3)55> ubf_client:rpc(P1, {startSession, {'#S', "gdss"}, []}).

    Now that the UBF connection is set up, we can use it to set a key “foo”.

  3. Set the key “foo” in table tab1 with the value “foo val”, no expiration time, no flags, and a timeout of 5 seconds:

    (asdf@bb3)59> ubf_client:rpc(P1, {set, tab1, <<"foo">>, <<"foo val">>, 0, [], 5000}).


    Note that the return value of both the set_req() (in the example above) and get_req() (in the example below) return the same types described in the xref:brick-simple-set[] and xref:brick-simple-get[], respectively.

    The only difference is that the ubf_client:rpc/2 function wraps the server’s reply in a 3-tuple: {reply,ServerReply,none}.

  4. Get the key “foo” in table tab1, timeout in 5 seconds:

    (asdf@bb3)66> ubf_client:rpc(P1, {get, tab1, <<"foo">>, [], 5000}).
    {reply,{ok,1273009092549799,<<"foo val">>},none}

    If the client sends a request that violates the contract, the server will tell you, as in this example.

  5. Send a contract-violating request:

    (asdf@bb3)89> ubf_client:rpc(P1, {bbb, 3000}).

    When you are done with the connection, it is polite to close the connection explicitly. The server will quietly clean up its side of the connection if the client forgets to call or cannot call stop/1.

  6. Close the UBF connection:

    (asdf@bb3)92> ubf_client:stop(P1).


Using the UBF Client Library for Java

The source code for the UBF client library for Java is included in the UBF source repository at link:[], in the priv/java subdirectory.

Compiling the UBF client library for Java

  1. Please update your UBF client library code to the “master” branch for a date after 10 May 2010, or use the Git tag “v1.14” or later. Versions of the library before 10 May 2010 and tag “v1.14” have several bugs that will prevent the UBF client from working correctly.
  2. Change directory to the priv/java directory of the UBF client library source distribution.
  3. Run make.
  4. (Optional) Copy the class files in the classes subdirectory to a suitable directory for your Java development environment.

Compiling the UBF client library test program

  1. Change directory to the gdss-ubf-proto/priv/java subdirectory in the Hibari source distribution.

  2. Edit the Makefile to change the UBF_CLASSES_DIR variable to point to the priv/java/classes subdirectory of the UBF package’s source code (or the subdirectory where those classes have been formally installed on your system).

  3. Run the following two make commands. The second assumes that the Hibari server’s UBF server is on the local machine, “localhost”:

    $ make HibariTest
    $ make run-HibariTest
  4. If the Hibari server is not running on the local machine, then run make -n run-HibariTest to show the java command that is used to run the test program. Cut-and-paste the command into your shell, then edit the last argument to specify the hostname of a Hibari server.

Examining the test program

The main() function does three things:

  1. Create a new UBF connection to a Hibari server (hostname/IP address is specified in the first command line argument) and requests the gdss contract via the UBF metaprotocol.
  2. Run the small test cases in the test_hibari_basics() method.
  3. Close the UBF session and exit.

The ubf.HibariTest.main() method

public class HibariTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Socket sock = null;
        UBFClient ubf = null;

        try {
            sock = new Socket(args[0], 7581);
            ubf = UBFClient.new_via_sock(new UBFString("gdss"), new UBFList(),
                    new FooHandler(), sock);
        } catch (Exception e) {


        System.out.println("Success, it works");
    /* ... */

The test_hibari_basics() method performs the same basic UBF operations as the Python EBF demonstration script described in xref:using-ubf-python-client[]. Unlike the Python demo script, the demo program does not use the Hibari do() command but rather then single-operation commands like get( and set().

  1. Delete the key foo from table tab1:

    public static void test_hibari_basics(UBFClient ubf)
            throws IOException, UBFException {
        // setup
        UBFObject res1 = ubf.rpc(
               UBF.tuple( new UBFAtom("delete"), new UBFAtom("tab1"),
                          new UBFBinary("foo"), new UBFList(),
                          new UBFInteger(4000)));
        System.out.println("Res 1:" + res1.toString());
  2. Add the key foo to table tab1:

    // add - ok
    UBFObject res2 = ubf.rpc(
            UBF.tuple( new UBFAtom("add"), atom_tab1,
                        new UBFBinary("foo"), new UBFBinary("bar"),
                        new UBFInteger(0), new UBFList(),
                        new UBFInteger(4000)));
    System.out.println("Res 2:" + res2.toString());
    if (! res2.equals(atom_ok))
  3. Add the key foo to table tab1 again, this time expecting a failure:

    // add - ng
    UBFObject res3 = ubf.rpc(
            UBF.tuple( new UBFAtom("add"), atom_tab1,
                       new UBFBinary("foo"), new UBFBinary("bar"),
                       new UBFInteger(0), new UBFList(),
                       new UBFInteger(4000)));
    System.out.println("Res 3:" + res3.toString());
    if (! ((UBFTuple)res3).value[0].equals(atom_key_exists))
  4. Get the key foo from table tab1:

    // get - ok
    UBFObject res4 = ubf.rpc(
            UBF.tuple( new UBFAtom("get"), atom_tab1,
                       new UBFBinary("foo"), new UBFList(),
                       new UBFInteger(4000)));
    System.out.println("Res 4:" + res4.toString());
    if (! ((UBFTuple)res4).value[0].equals(atom_ok) ||
        ! ((UBFTuple)res4).value[2].equals("bar"))
  5. Set the key foo in table tab1 to bar bar:

    // set - ok
    UBFObject res5 = ubf.rpc(
            UBF.tuple( new UBFAtom("set"), atom_tab1,
                       new UBFBinary("foo"), new UBFBinary("bar bar"),
                       new UBFInteger(0), new UBFList(),
                       new UBFInteger(4000)));
    System.out.println("Res 5:" + res5.toString());
    if (! res5.equals(atom_ok))
  6. Get foo again and verify that the value is bar bar:

    // get - ok
    UBFObject res6 = ubf.rpc(
            UBF.tuple( new UBFAtom("get"), atom_tab1,
                       new UBFBinary("foo"), new UBFList(),
                       new UBFInteger(4000)));
    System.out.println("Res 6:" + res6.toString());
    if (! ((UBFTuple)res6).value[0].equals(atom_ok) ||
        ! ((UBFTuple)res6).value[2].equals("bar bar"))

The UBF event handler interface

Each UBFClient instance uses a separate thread to read data from the server and do any of the following:

  1. Signal to the other thread that a synchronous RPC response was received from the server.
  2. Run a callback function when an event_out asynchronous event is received from the server.
  3. The socket was closed unexpectedly.

In cases #2 and #3, a class that implements the UBFEventHandler interface is used to define the action to be taken in those cases.

The contains a sample implementation of callback functions for asynchronous events. A real application would probably want to do something much more helpful than this example does.

public static class FooHandler implements UBFEventHandler {
    public FooHandler() {
    public void handleEvent(UBFClient client, UBFObject event) {
        System.out.println("Hey, got an event: " + event.toString());
    public void connectionClosed(UBFClient client) {
        System.out.println("Hey, connection closed, ignoring it\n");


See xref:the-ubf-hibaritest-main-method[] for an example that uses this FooHandler class.


Using the EBF Client Library for Python

The source code for the EBF client library for Python is included in the UBF source repository at link:[], in the priv/python subdirectory.

NOTE: Recall that the EBF protocol is very closely related to UBF. The only significant difference is the “layer 5” session protocol layer: instead of using the UBF(A) protocol, the EBF (Erlang Binary Format) protocol is used instead. See xref:hibari-server-impl-of-ubf-proto-stack[] for more details.

In addition, you will need the “py_interface” package, developed by Tomas Abrahamsson and others. “py-interface” is distributed under the link:[GNU Library General Public License]. A git repository is hosted at To clone it and build it, use:

$ git clone git://
$ cd py_interface
$ autoconf
$ ./configure
$ make
$ pwd

Use the output of the last command, pwd, to remember the full directory path to the “py-interface” library. The example below assumes that path is /tmp/py-interface.

The file contains a small unit test that makes several calls to the Hibari UBF contract’s do_req() command. The results of (almost) every command are verified using the assert function.

env PYTHONPATH=/path/to/py_interface python
  1. Connect to the Hibari server on “localhost” TCP port 7580 and use the UBF metaprotocol to switch to the gdss contract:

    ## login
    ebf.login('gdss', 'gdss_meta_server')
  2. Delete the key 'foo' from table tab1:

    ## setup
    req0 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'), [(Atom('delete'), 'foo', [])], [], 1000)
    res0 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req0)
  3. Get the key 'foo' from table tab1:

    ## get - ng
    req1 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'), [(Atom('get'), 'foo', [])], [], 1000)
    res1 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req1)
    assert res1[0] == 'key_not_exist'
  4. Add the key 'foo' to table tab1. The do_req() interface requires managing the timestamp integers explicitly by the client; the timestamp 1 is used here:

    ## add - ok
    req2 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'),
            [(Atom('add'), 'foo', 1, 'bar', 0, [])], [], 1000)
    res2 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req2)
    assert res2[0] == 'ok'
  5. Add the key 'foo' to table tab1:

    ## add - ng
    req3 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'),
            [(Atom('add'), 'foo', 1, 'bar', 0, [])], [], 1000)
    res3 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req3)
    assert res3[0][0] == 'key_exists'
    assert res3[0][1] == 1
  6. Get the key 'foo' from table tab1, verifying that the timestamp is still 1 and value is still 'bar':

    ## get - ok
    req4 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'), [(Atom('get'), 'foo', [])], [], 1000)
    res4 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req4)
    assert res4[0][0] == 'ok'
    assert res4[0][1] == 1
    assert res4[0][2] == 'bar'
  7. Set the key 'foo' from table tab1, using a new timestamp 2:

    ## set - ok
    req5 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'),
            [(Atom('set'), 'foo', 2, 'baz', 0, [])], [], 1000)
    res5 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req5)
    assert res5[0] == 'ok'
  8. Get the key 'foo' from table tab1, verifying both the new timestamp and new value:

    ## get - ok
    req6 = (Atom('do'), Atom('tab1'), [(Atom('get'), 'foo', [])], [], 1000)
    res6 = ebf.rpc('gdss', req6)
    assert res6[0][0] == 'ok'
    assert res6[0][1] == 2
    assert res6[0][2] == 'baz'