Building Hibari from Source

This section describes the basic recipes to build the following items:

  • Hibari Release Package
  • Hibari Documentation
  • Erlang/OTP System

Required Third Party Software

Before getting started, review this checklist of tools and software. Please install and set up as needed.

Mandatory Items (Required for Building Hibari)

The following software is required in order to download Hibari and build a release package:

  • Git –

    • Must be version 1.5.4 or newer.

      • is the version most recently tested for Hibari.
    • If you haven’t yet done so, please configure your email address and name for Git:

      $ git config --global ""
      $ git config --global "Your Name"
    • If you haven’t yet done so, you must sign up for a GitHub account –

      • Anonymous read-only access using the GIT protocol is default.
      • Team members with read-write access: be sure to add your SSH public key under your GitHub account.
  • Python –

    • Required by Repo

    • Must be version 2.4 or newer

      • 2.7 is the version most recently tested for Hibari.


      Python 3.x might be too new.

  • Repo –

    • Install as follows:

      $ mkdir -p ~/bin
      $ curl > ~/bin/repo
      $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
    • The downloading and packaging process also uses Rebar ( but this tool is included in the Hibari Git repositories so you do not need to install it separately.

  • OpenSSL –

    • Required for Erlang’s crypto module.
  • Erlang/OTP –

    • Must be version R16B01 or newer.
      • 17.4 is the version most recently tested for Hibari.
    • For information on building Erlang/OTP from source, see <<ErlangOTP>> in this document.

Optional Items (Required for Building Hibari’s Documentation)

The following software is required only if you want to build Hibari’s documentation from source. Note that an online version of the documentation is available at

Downloading Hibari

Follow these steps to download the Hibari repositories from GitHub.

  1. Create a working directory and retrieve the Hibari manifest files:

    $ mkdir working-directory
    $ cd working-directory
    $ repo init -u git:// -m hibari-default.xml


    Your “Git” identity is needed during the repo init step. Please enter the name and email of your GitHub account if you have one. Team members having read-write access should use repo init -u -m hibari-default-rw.xml.


    If you want to checkout the latest development version of Hibari, please append `` -b dev`` to the repo init command.

  2. Download Hibari’s Git repositories:

    $ Repo sync

    After the repo sync, your working directory has the following structure:

     |- hibari/
       |- .git/
       |- .gitignore
       |- Makefile
       |- dialyze-ignore-warnings.txt
       |- dialyze-nospec-ignore-warnings.txt
       |- lib/                             <1>
         |- <application_name>/
           |- .git/
           |- .gitignore
           |- ebin/
           |- include/
             |- *.hrl
           |- priv/
           |- rebar.config
           |- src/
             |- <application_name>.app.src
             |- *.erl
           |- test/
             |- eunit/
               |- *.erl
             |- eqc/
               |- *.erl
       |- rebar
       |- rebar.config
       |- rel/                             <2>
         |- files/
           |- app.config
           |- erl
           |- hibari
           |- hibari-admin
           |- nodetool
           |- nodetool-admin
           |- vm.args
         |- hibari/
           |- releases/
             |- <release_vsn>/
         |- reltool.config
     |- hibari-doc/                        <3>
     |- manifests/                         <4>
     |- patches/                           <5>
     |- rebar/                             <6>
     |- .repo/

<1> Applications <2> Releases <3> Documentation <4> Manifests <5> Patches <6> Rebar

Building the Hibari Release Package

Follow these steps to build a Hibari release package.

  1. Building basic recipe:

    $ cd working-directory/hibari
    $ make


If the response is “make: erl: Command not found”, please make sure Erlang/OTP is installed and “otp-installing-directory-name/bin” is added to your $PATH environment.

  1. Release packaging basic recipe:

    $ cd working-directory/hibari
    $ make package


A release package tarball “hibari-X.Y.Z-dev-ARCH-WORDSIZE.tgz” and md5sum file “hibari-X.Y.Z-dev-ARCH-WORDSIZE-md5sum.txt” is written into your working-directory. You can then use these files to perform a single-node or multi-node Hibari installation as described in <<getting-started>>.


Building Hibari’s Documentation

Follow these steps to build Hibari’s documentation.

  1. Building Hibari’s “Guides” basic recipe:

    $ cd working-directory/hibari-doc/src/hibari
    $ make clean -OR- make realclean
    $ make
  2. Building Hibari’s “Website” basic recipe:

    $ cd working-directory/hibari-doc/src/hibari/website
    $ make clean -OR- make realclean
    $ make


HTML documentation is written in the ”./public_html” directory.

Hibari’s documentation is authored using AsciiDoc and a few auxillary tools:

  • ImageMagick
  • dblatex
  • Dia
  • Graphviz
  • Mscgen
  • w3m

Hibari’s documentation is generated with AsciiDoc and a manually modified version of the a2x tool. A fake lang-ja.conf file can be easily created by making a symlink to the lang-en.conf file.

diff -r -u 8.6.4-orig/bin/ 8.6.4/bin/
--- 8.6.4-orig/bin/    2011-04-24 00:50:26.000000000 +0900
+++ 8.6.4/bin/ 2011-04-24 00:35:55.000000000 +0900
@@ -156,7 +156,10 @@
  def shell_copy(src, dst):
    verbose('copying "%s" to "%s"' % (src,dst))
      if not OPTIONS.dry_run:
-        shutil.copy(src, dst)
+        try:
+            shutil.copy(src, dst)
+        except shutil.Error:
+            return

  def shell_rm(path):
      if not os.path.exists(path):
 Only in 8.6.4/etc/asciidoc: lang-ja.conf


Building and Installing Erlang/OTP

Follow these steps to download and build Erlang/OTP from source, and to install the system. These steps provide a basic recipe; not all options are addressed.


Please make sure to have the ‘openssl-devel’ package installed on your system before configuring and building Erlang/OTP.

  1. Download the source code for your Erlang/OTP system:

    $ cd working-directory
    $ wget
  2. Untar the source code for your Erlang/OTP system:

    $ tar -xzf otp_src_R14B01.tar.gz
  3. Configure Erlang/OTP:

    $ cd working-directory/otp_src_R14B01
    $ ./configure --prefix=otp-installing-directory-name
  4. Build Erlang/OTP:

    $ make
  5. Install Erlang/OTP:

    $ sudo make install


Please make sure “otp-installing-directory-name/bin” is added to your $PATH environment.