Administering Hibari Through the API

  • Add a new table
  • Delete a table
  • Change to a single chain:

** Add one or more bricks (increase replication factor) ** Remove one or more bricks (decrease replication factor) * Change to a single table. ** Add a new chain ** Remove a chain ** Change the chain weighting factor ** Change consistent hashing parameters

[[add-a-new-table]] === Add a New Table: brick_admin:add_table()

[[why-use-hash-prefixes]] ==== Why use hash prefixes?

Hash prefixes allow Hibari servers to guarantee the application developer that certain keys will always be stored on the same chain and therefore always on the same set of bricks. With this guarantee, an application aware of hash prefixes can use micro-transactions successfully.

For example, assume the application requires a collection of persistent stacks that are stored in Hibari.

  • Each stack is identified by a string/binary. (The two types are identical for the sake of discussion.)
  • Each item stored on the stack is a string.
  • Support stack options push & pop.
  • Support quick stack stats, e.g. # of elements on the stack and # of bytes stored on the stack.
  • Stacks may contain hundreds of thousands of items.
  • The total size of a stack will not exceed the total storage capacity of any single brick in the cluster.

IMPORTANT: Understanding the last assumption is vital. Because all keys with the same hash prefix H will be managed by the same chain C, then all bricks in C must have enough capacity to store all H prefix keys.

The application developer then makes the following decisions:

  1. The application will use a table devoted to storing stacks, called ‘stack’.
  2. We know that the application requires strong durability (which is the Hibari default) and that the sum total of all stack items will exceed a single brick’s RAM capacity. Therefore, the ‘stack’ table must store its value blobs on disk. Read access to the table will be slower than if value blobs were stored in RAM, but the limited RAM capacity of bricks does not give us a choice.
  3. We have two machines, boxA and boxB, available for hosting the table’s logical bricks. We want to be able to survive at least one physical brick failure, therefore all chains have a minimum length of 2.
** We will use two chains, so that each physical machine (when up and
running smoothly) will have 2 logical bricks for the table, one in the chain head role and one in the chain tail role.
** The naming scheme used for each chain name and brick name can be
arbitrary, as long as all names are unique. However, for ease-of-management purposes, the use of a systematic naming scheme is strongly encouraged. The scheme used here numbers each chain (starting at 1) and numbers each brick (also starting at 1) with both the chain and brick number.

4. We use the following key naming convention: ** A stack’s metadata (item count, byte count) uses <<”/StackName/md”>>. ** A item uses <<”/StackName/N”>> where N is the item number. 5. We create the table using the following: + ———————— Opts = [{hash_init, fun brick_admin:chash_init/3}, {prefix_method, var_prefix},

{num_separators, 2}, {prefix_separator, $/}, {new_chainweights, [{stack_ch1, 100}, {stack_ch2, 100}]}, {bigdata_dir, ”.”}, {do_logging, true}, {do_sync, true}].
ChainList = [{stack_ch1, [{stack_ch1_b1, hibari1@boxA},
{stack_ch1_b2, hibari1@boxB}]},
{stack_ch1, [{stack_ch2_b1, hibari1@boxB},
{stack_ch2_b2, hibari1@boxA}]}].

brick_admin:add_table(stack, ChainList, Opts).

See xref:examples-using-the-stack[] for sample usage code.

[[types-of-brick-admin-add-table]] ==== Types for brick_admin:add_table()

add_table(Name, ChainList, BrickOptions)
when is_atom(Name), is_list(ChainList) equivalent to add_table(brick_admin, Name, ChainList, BrickOptions)
add_table(ServerRef, Name, BrickOptions)
when is_atom(Name), is_list(BrickOptions) equivalent to add_table(ServerRef, Name, ChainList, [])
add_table(ServerRef::gen_server_serverref(), Name::table(),
ChainList::chain_list(), BrickOptions::brick_options())
-> ok |
{error, term()} | {error, term(), term()}

gen_server_serverref() = “ServerRef” type from STDLIB gen_server, gen_fsm, etc. proplists_property() = “Property” type from STDLIB proplists

bigdata_option() = {‘bigdata_dir’, string()} brick() = {logical_brick(), node()} brick_option() = chash_prop() |

custom_prop() | fixed_prefix_prop() | {‘hash_init’, fun/3} | var_prefix_prop()

brick_options() = [brick_option] chain_list() = {chain_name(), [brick()]} chain_name() = atom() chash_prop() = {‘new_chainweights’, chain_weights()} |

{‘num_separators’, integer()} | {‘old_float_map’, float_map()} | {‘prefix_is_integer_hack’, boolean()} | {‘prefix_length’, integer()} | {‘prefix_method’, ‘all’ | ‘var_prefix’ | ‘fixed_prefix’} | {‘prefix_separator’, integer()}

chain_weights() = [{chain_name, integer()}] custom_prop() = proplists_property() fixed_prefix_prop() = {‘prefix_is_integer_hack’, boolean()} |

{‘prefix_length’, integer()}

logging_option() = {‘do_logging’, boolean()} logical_brick() = atom() node() = atom() sync_option() = {‘do_sync’, boolean()} table() = atom() var_prefix_prop() = {‘num_separators’, integer()} |

{‘prefix_separator’, integer()}

{‘bigdata_dir’, string()}:: To store value blobs on disk (i.e. “big data” is true), specify this value with any string (the string’s actual value is not used). + IMPORTANT: To store value blobs in RAM, this option must be omitted. + {‘do_logging’, boolean()}:: Specify whether all bricks in the table will log updates to disk. If not specified, the default is true. + {‘do_sync’, boolean()}:: Specify whether all bricks in the table will synchronously flush all updates to disk before responding to the client. If not specified, the default is true. + {‘hash_init’, fun/3}:: Specify the hash initialization function. Of the four hash methods bundled with Hibari, we recommend using brick_hash:chash_init/3 only. + {‘new_chainweights, chain_weights()}:: (For brick_admin:chash_init/3) Specify the chainweights for this new table. For creating a new table, this option is not used. However, this option is used when changing a table to add/remove chains or to change other table-related parameters. + {‘num_separators’, integer()}:: (For brick_admin:chash_init/3 and brick_admin:var_prefix_init/3) For variable prefix hashes, this option specifies how many instances of the variable prefix separator character (see ‘prefix_separator’ below) are included in the hashing prefix. The default is 2. + For example, if {‘prefix_separator’, $/}, then + ** With {‘num_separators’, 2} and key <<”/foo/bar/baz/hello”>>,

the hashing prefix is <<”/foo/”>>.
** With {‘num_separators’, 3} and key <<”/foo/bar/baz/hello”>>,
the hashing prefix is <<”/foo/bar/”>>.

{‘old_float_map’, float_map()}:: Specify the old version of the “float map”. For creating a new table, this option is not used. However, this option is used when changing a table to add/remove chains or to change other table-related parameters: it is used to create a new mapping of {table, key} -> chain that relocates only a minimum number of keys a new chain. + {‘prefix_method’, ‘all’ | ‘var_prefix’ | ‘fixed_prefix’}:: (For brick_admin:chash_init/3) Specify which prefix method will be used for consistent hashing: + ** ‘all’: Use the entire key ** ‘var_prefix’: Use a variable-length prefix of the key ** fixed_prefix’: Use a fixed-length prefix of the key + {‘prefix_is_integer_hack’, boolean()}:: (For brick_admin:fixed_prefix_init/3) If true, the prefix should be interpreted as an ASCII representation of a base 10 integer for use as the hash calculation. + {‘prefix_length’, integer()}:: (For brick_admin:fixed_prefix_init/3) For a fixed-prefix hashes, this option specifies the prefix length. + {‘prefix_separator’, integer()}:: (For brick_admin:chash_init/3 and brick_admin:var_prefix_init/3) For variable prefix hashes, this option specifies the single byte ASCII value of the byte that separates the key’s prefix from the rest of the key. The default is $/, ASCII 47.

[[examples-using-the-stack]] ==== Examples code for using the stack

.Create a new stack

Val = #stack_md{count = 0, bytes = 0}. brick_simple:add(stack, “/new-stack/md”, term_to_binary(Val)). ————————————————

.Push an item onto a stack

{ok, OldTS, OldVal} = brick_simple:get(stack, “/new-stack/md”). #stack_md{count = Count, bytes = Bytes} = binary_to_term(OldVal). NewMD = #stack_md{count = Count + 1, bytes = Bytes + size(NewItem)}. ItemKey = “/new-stack/” ++ integer_to_list(Count). [ok, ok] = brick_simple:do(stack,

term_to_binary(NewMD), 0, [{testset, OldTS}]),

brick_server:make_add(ItemKey, NewItem)]).

.Pop an item off a stack

{ok, OldTS, OldVal} = brick_simple:get(stack, “/new-stack/md”). #stack_md{count = Count, bytes = Bytes} = binary_to_term(OldVal). ItemKey = “/new-stack/” ++ integer_to_list(Count - 1). {ok, _, Item} = brick_simple:get(stack, ItemKey). NumBytes = proplists:get_value(val_len, Ps). NewMD = #stack_md{count = Count - 1, bytes = Bytes - size(Item)}. [ok, ok] = brick_simple:do(stack,

term_to_binary(NewMD), 0, [{testset, OldTS}]),



[[delete-a-table]] === Delete a Table

As yet, Hibari does not have a method to delete a table. The only methods available now are:

  • Delete all files and subdirectories from the bootstrap_* brick data directories, restart the Admin Server, and recreate all tables. (Also known as, “Start over”.)
  • Make a backup copy of all bootstrap_* brick data directories before creating a new table. If you wish to undo, then stop Hibari on all Admin Server-eligible nodes, remove the bootstrap_* brick data directories, restore the bootstrap_* brick data directories from the previous backup, then start all of the Admin Server-eligible nodes.

[[change-a-chain-add-remove-bricks]] === Change a Chain: Add or Remove Bricks

Adding or removing bricks from a single chain changes the replication factor for the keys stored in that chain: more bricks increases the replication factor, and fewer bricks decreases it.

.Data types for brick_admin:change_chain_length()

brick_admin:change_chain_length(ChainName, BrickList)

ChainName = atom() BrickList = [brick()]

brick() = {logical_brick(), node()} logical_brick() = atom() node() = atom() ————————————–

See also, xref:example-change-chain-length[brick_admin:change_chain_length() usage examples].

[[change-a-table-add-remove-chains]] === Change a Table: Add/Remove Chains

.Data types for brick_admin:start_migration()

brick_admin:start_migration(TableName, LH)
equivalent to brick_admin:start_migration(TableName, LH, [])

brick_admin:start_migration(TableName, LH, Options) -> {ok, cookie()} |

{‘EXIT’, term()}

TableName = atom() LH = hash_r() Options = migration_options()

cookie() = term() migration_option() = {‘do_not_initiate_serial_ack’, boolean()} |

{‘interval’, integer()} | {‘max_keys_per_chain’, integer()} | {‘max_keys_per_iter’, integer()} | {‘propagation_delay’, integer()}

migration_options() = [migration_option()]

brick_admin:chash_init(‘via_proplist’, ChainList, Options) -> hash_r()

ChainList = chain_list() Options = brick_options() ————————————–

See xref:types-of-brick-admin-add-table[] for definitions of chain_list() and brick_options() types.

The hash_r() type is an Erlang record, #hash_r as defined in the brick_hash.hrl header file. It is normally considered an opaque type that is created by a function such as brick_hash:chash_init/3.

NOTE: The options list passed in argument #3 to brick_admin:chash_init/3 is the same properties list that is used for brick_admin:add_table/3. The difference is that the options that are related strictly to brick behavior, such as the do_logging and do_sync properties, are ignored by chash_init/3.

Once a hash_r() term is created and brick_admin:start_migration/2 is called successfully, the data migration will start immediately.

The cookie() type is an opaque term that uniquely identifies the data migration that was triggered for the TableName table. Another data migration may not be triggered until the current migration has finished successfully.

The migration_option() properties are described below:

{‘do_not_initiate_serial_ack’, boolean()}:: For internal use only, do not use. + {‘interval’, integer()}:: Interval (in milliseconds) to send kick_next_sweep messages. Default = 50. + {‘max_keys_per_chain’, integer()}:: Maximum number of keys to send to any particular chain. Not yet implemented. + {‘max_keys_per_iter’, integer()}:: Maximum number of keys to examine per sweep iteration. Default = 500 for bricks with value blobs in RAM, 25 for bricks with value blobs on disk. + {‘propagation_delay’, integer()}:: Number of milliseconds to delay for each brick’s logging operation. Default = 0.

See also xref:changing-chains-example[].

[[change-a-table-chain-chain-weighting]] === Change a Table: Change Chain Weighting

The functions to change chain weighting are the same for adding/removing chains, see xref:change-a-table-add-remove-chains[] for additional details.

When creating a hash_r() type record, follow these two bits of advice:

  • The chain_list() term remains exactly the same as the chain list currently used by the table. See brick_admin:get_table_chain_list/1 for how to retrieve this list.
  • The new_chainweights property in the brick_options() list specifies a different set of chain weighting factors than is currently used by the table. The current chain weighting list is in the brick_options property returned by the brick_admin:get_table_info/1 function.

See also xref:changing-chains-example[].

[[admin-server-api]] === Admin Server API

See EDoc documentation for brick_admin.erl API.

[[scoreboard-api]] === Scoreboard API

See EDoc documentation for brick_sb.erl API.

[[chain-monitor-api]] === Chain Monitor API

See EDoc documentation for brick_chainmon.erl API.

[[changing-chain-length]] === Changing Chain Length: Examples

The Admin Server’s basic definition of a chain: the chains name, and the list of bricks. In turn, each brick is defined by a 2-tuple of brick name and node name.

Example chain definition, chain length=1
{tab1_ch1, [{tab1_ch1_b1, hibari1@bb3}]}

The function brick_admin:get_table_chain_list/1 will retrieve the active chain definition list for a table. For example, we retrieve the chain definition list for the table tab1. The node bb3 is the hostname of my laptop.

(hibari1@bb3)24> Tab1ChList. [{tab1_ch1,[{tab1_ch1_b1,hibari1@bb3}]}] ———-

NOTE: The brick_admin:get_table_chain_list/1 function will retrieve the active chain definition list for a table: only bricks that are in ok state will be shown. If a chain has a brick that has crashed, that brick will not appear in the list returned by this function. The brick_admin:get_table_info() function can fetch the list of all bricks, in service and crashed, but the API is not as convenient.

[[example-change-chain-length]] To change the chain length, use the brick_admin:change_chain_length/2 function. The arguments are the chain name and brick list.

NOTE: Any bricks in the brick list that aren’t in the chain are automatically started. Any bricks in the current chain that are not in the new list are halted, and their persistent data will be deleted.

// JWN: The deletion is not immediate on disk - correct? Scavenger is // needed - right?


(hibari1@bb3)30> {ok, Tab1ChList2} = brick_admin:get_table_chain_list(tab1). {ok,[{tab1_ch1,[{tab1_ch1_b1,hibari1@bb3},

Now the tab1_ch1 chain has length two. We’ll shorten it back down to length 1.

(hibari1@bb3)32> {ok, Tab1ChList3} = brick_admin:get_table_chain_list(tab1). {ok,[{tab1_ch1,[{tab1_ch1_b2,hibari1@bb3}]}]} —————-

NOTE: A chain’s new brick list must contain at least one brick from the current chain’s definition. If the intersection of old brick list and new brick list is empty, the command will fail.

[[changing-chains-example]] === Creating and Rebalancing Chains: Examples

The procedure for creating new chains, deleting existing chains, and reweighing existing chains, and rehashing is done using the the brick_admin:start_migration() function. The chain definitions are specified in the same way as changing chain lengths, see xref:changing-chain-length[] for details.

The data structure required by brick_admin:start_migration/2 is more complex than the relatively-simple brick list that brick_admin:change_chain_length/2 requires. This section will demonstrate the creation of this structure, the ``local hash record’‘, step-by-step.

First, we create a new chain definition list. (Refer to xref:changing-chain-length[] if necessary.) For this example, we’ll assume that we’ll be modifying the tab1 table and that we’ll be adding two more chains. Each chain will be of length one. We’ll place each chain on the same node as everything else, hibari1@bb3 (i.e. my laptop).

(hibari1@bb3)49> NewCL = [{tab1_ch1, [{tab1_ch1_b1, hibari1@bb3}]},
{tab1_ch2, [{tab1_ch2_b1, hibari1@bb3}]}, {tab1_ch3, [{tab1_ch3_b1, hibari1@bb3}]}].
{tab1_ch2,[{tab1_ch2_b1,hibari1@bb3}]}, {tab1_ch3,[{tab1_ch3_b1,hibari1@bb3}]}]

NOTE: Any bricks in the brick list that aren’t in a chain are automatically started. Any bricks in a current chains that are not in the chain definition are halted, and their persistent data will be deleted.

Next, we retrieve the table’s current hashing configuration. The data is returned to us in the form of an Erlang property list. (See the Erlang/OTP documentation for the proplists module, located in the “Basic Applications” area under “stdlib”.) We then pick out several properties that we’ll need later; we use lists:keyfind/3 instead of a function in the proplists module because it will preserve the properties in 2-tuple form, which will save us some typing effort later.

...lots of stuff omitted...

(hibari1@bb3)53> Opts = proplists:get_value(brick_options, TabInfo). [{hash_init,#Fun<brick_hash.chash_init.3>},

{old_float_map,[]}, {new_chainweights,[{tab1_ch1,100}]}, {hash_init,#Fun<brick_hash.chash_init.3>}, {prefix_method,var_prefix}, {prefix_separator,47}, {num_separators,3}, {bigdata_dir,”cwd”}, {do_logging,true}, {do_sync,true}, {created_date,{2010,4,17}}, {created_time,{17,21,58}}]

(hibari1@bb3)58> PrefixMethod = lists:keyfind(prefix_method, 1, Opts). {prefix_method,var_prefix}

(hibari1@bb3)59> NumSep = lists:keyfind(num_separators, 1, Opts). {num_separators,3}

(hibari1@bb3)60> PrefixSep = lists:keyfind(prefix_separator, 1, Opts). {prefix_separator,47}

(hibari1@bb3)61> OldCWs = proplists:get_value(new_chainweights, Opts). [{tab1_ch1,100}]

(hibari1@bb3)62> OldGH = proplists:get_value(ghash, TabInfo).

(hibari1@bb3)63> OldFloatMap = brick_hash:chash_extract_new_float_map(OldGH).

Next, we create a new property list.

(hibari1@bb3)72> NewOpts = [PrefixMethod, NumSep, PrefixSep,
{new_chainweights, NewCWs}, {old_float_map, OldFloatMap}].

{num_separators,3}, {prefix_separator,47}, {new_chainweights,[{tab1_ch1,100},

{tab1_ch2,100}, {tab1_ch3,100}]}

{old_float_map, []}]

Next, we use the chain definition list, NewCL, and the table options list, NewOpts, to create a ``local hash’’ record. This record will contain all of the configuration information required to change a table’s consistent hashing characteristics.

...lots of stuff omitted...

[[chash-migration-pre-check]] We’re just one step away from changing the tab1 table. Before we change the table, however, we’d like to see how the table change will affect the data in the table. First, we add 1,000 keys to the tab1 table. Then we use the brick_simple:chash_migration_pre_check/2 function to tell us how many keys will move and to where.


(hibari1@bb3)75> brick_simple:chash_migration_pre_check(tab1, NewLH). [{keys_before,[{tab1_ch1,1001}]},

{keys_keep,[{tab1_ch1,348}]}, {keys_moving,[{tab1_ch2,315},{tab1_ch3,338}]}, {keys_moving_where,[{tab1_ch1,[{tab1_ch2,315},



The output above shows us that of the 1,001 keys in the tab1 table, 348 will remain in the tab1_ch1 chain, 315 keys will move to the tab1_ch2 chain, and 338 keys will move to the tab1_ch3 chain. That looks like what we want, so let’s reconfigure the table and start the data migration.

brick_admin:start_migration(tab1, NewLH).

Immediately, we’ll see a bunch of application messages sent to the console as new activities start:

  • A migration monitoring process is started.
  • New brick processes are started.
  • New monitoring processes are started.
  • Data migrations are started and finish
  • The migration monitoring process exits.

=GMT INFO REPORT==== 20-Apr-2010::00:26:41 === progress: [{supervisor,{local,brick_mon_sup}},

{name,chmon_tab1_ch2}, ...stuff omitted...

[...lines skipped...] =GMT INFO REPORT==== 20-Apr-2010::00:26:41 === Migration monitor: tab1: chains starting

[...lines skipped...] =GMT INFO REPORT==== 20-Apr-2010::00:26:41 === brick_admin: handle_cast: chain tab1_ch2 in unknown state

[...lines skipped...] =GMT INFO REPORT==== 20-Apr-2010::00:26:52 === Migration monitor: tab1: sweeps starting

[...lines skipped...] =GMT INFO REPORT==== 20-Apr-2010::00:26:54 === Migration number 1 finished

[...lines skipped...] =GMT INFO REPORT==== 20-Apr-2010::00:26:57 === Clearing final migration state for table tab1 —————

For the sake of demonstration, now let’s see what brick_simple:chash_migration_pre_check() would say if we were to migrate from three chains to four chains.

(hibari_dev@bb3)25> Opts3 = proplists:get_value(brick_options, TabInfo3).

(hibari_dev@bb3)26> GH3 = proplists:get_value(ghash, TabInfo3).

(hibari_dev@bb3)28> OldFloatMap = brick_hash:chash_extract_new_float_map(GH3).

(hibari_dev@bb3)31> NewOpts4 = [PrefixMethod, NumSep, PrefixSep,
{new_chainweights, NewCWs4}, {old_float_map, OldFloatMap}].
(hibari_dev@bb3)35> NewCL4 = [ {tab1_ch1, [{tab1_ch1_b1, hibari1@bb3}]},
{tab1_ch2, [{tab1_ch2_b1, hibari1@bb3}]}, {tab1_ch3, [{tab1_ch3_b1, hibari1@bb3}]}, {tab1_ch4, [{tab1_ch4_b1, hibari1@bb3}]} ].

(hibari_dev@bb3)36> NewLH4 = brick_hash:chash_init(via_proplist, NewCL4, NewOpts4).

(hibari_dev@bb3)37> brick_simple:chash_migration_pre_check(tab1, NewLH4). [{keys_before,[{tab1_ch1,349},

{tab1_ch2,315}, {tab1_ch3,337}]},

{keys_keep,[{tab1_ch1,250},{tab1_ch2,232},{tab1_ch3,232}]}, {keys_moving,[{tab1_ch4,287}]}, {keys_moving_where,[{tab1_ch1,[{tab1_ch4,99}]},

{tab1_ch2,[{tab1_ch4,83}]}, {tab1_ch3,[{tab1_ch4,105}]}]},


The output tells us that chain tab1_ch1 will lose 99 keys, tab1_ch2 will lose 83 keys, and tab1_ch3 will lose 105 keys. The final key distribution across the four chains would be 250, 232, 232, and 287 keys, respectively.