Why Hibari?

Hibari was developed internally by Cloudian, Inc. (formerly Gemini Mobile Technologies), a leading producer of mass-scale messaging and transaction systems for Tier 1 mobile operators in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Cloudian had need for a data store that was efficient, fast, flexible, and scalable, as well as robust enough to withstand the rigors of deployment in Tier 1 telecom production environments. Dissatisfied with the then-available options, Cloudian in 2005 began work on what came to be Hibari (the name is Japanese for skylark; the kanji characters stand for “cloud bird”).

With the system having in recent years matured and been proven in production, Cloudian released Hibari to the open source community in July 2010 under the Apache 2.0 license. Cloudian regards the open source community as the best venue in which Hibari can continue to perfect and grow.

This section describes some of the distinctive features that make Hibari a very attractive option for businesses and developers seeking a modern Big Data storage system:

  • link:#engineered-erlang[Engineered in Erlang]
  • link:#chain-replication[Chain Replication for High Availability and Strong Consistency]
  • link:#scalability[Easy, Affordable Scalability]
  • link:#high-performance[High Performance, Especially for Reads and Large Values]
  • link:#simple-powerful-api[Simple But Powerful Client API]
  • link:#production-proven[Production-Proven]
  • link:#hibari-benefits-by-user[Hibari Benefits for Developers, System Administrators, and Businesses]


Engineered in Erlang

Erlang is a general purpose programming language and runtime environment designed specifically to support reliable, high-performance distributed systems. Originally developed by Ericsson in the 1980s for building advanced telecom networking systems, Erlang/OTP (Open Telecom Platform) was open-sourced in 1998. Hibari is written entirely in Erlang.

Erlang provides a range of benefits that make it the ideal foundation for a distributed key-value storage solution:

  • Concurrency. Erlang has extremely lightweight processes that communicate by message passing and have no shared memory. Scheduling, memory management, and other concurrency-related services are managed by the Erlang VM, placing no requirements for concurrency on the host operating system.
  • Distribution. Erlang is designed specifically for distributed environments. Passing messages transparently via TCP, Erlang processes on different nodes communicate with each other in exactly the same way as do processes on the same node. The simple and efficient design facilitates massive parallelism and scalability of the sort required by a high-performance distributed storage system. With its prowess for concurrency and distributed processing, it has been suggested that Erlang can be regarded as a first-of-its-kind http://www.oreillygmt.eu/open-sourcefree-software/erlang-the-ceos-view/[“application system”], analogous to an operating system except running across and coordinating multiple hosts.
  • Robustness. Erlang processes are completely independent of each other, with no data sharing. While functionally isolated, Erlang processes are able to monitor each other and to detect and respond to crashed processes, even on remote nodes.
  • Portability. The same Erlang VM can run on Linux, Unix, Windows, Macintosh, or VxWorks. Distributed Erlang processes can seamlessly communicate with each other regardless of the heterogeneity of their host operating systems. This OS portability is a valuable facilitator of storage system elasticity, as system managers may need to mix and match hosts in response to fluid demand environments.
  • Hot code upgrades. Erlang-based applications like Hibari support hot code upgrades: upgrades can be applied without shutting down the system. During the change-over, old and new code can run simultaneously. This is a key benefit for environments that require “always-on” availability for end users.

Other features reinforce Erlang’s suitability for reliable distributed applications, including incremental garbage collection, single-assignment variables, and robust exception handling.


Chain Replication for High Availability and Strong Consistency

The Hibari distributed key-value store implements a version of the chain replication methodology first proposed by http://www.usenix.org/event/osdi04/tech/full_papers/renesse/renesse.pdf[van Renesse and Schneider] to achieve redundancy and high availability without sacrificing data consistency. At a high level, chain replication in a Hibari storage cluster works as follows:

  • Through consistent hashing, the key space is divided across multiple storage “chains”.
  • Each chain is composed of multiple logical storage “bricks”, with each brick running in its own Erlang VM instance.
  • Within each chain, the member bricks have differentiated roles. Client-requested updates to key-value pairs are written first to the “head” brick, then automatically replicated downstream to one or more “middle” bricks and finally to the “tail” brick, which returns an update acknowledgement to the client. By contrast, read requests are directed to the tail brick, which returns the response to the client.


While most distributed storage systems are able to guarantee only weak or eventual data consistency across replicas – placing the burden on the client application (and the client application developer) to manage the potential inconsistencies – Hibari with its chain replication implementation guarantees strong consistency. Data updates are considered complete, and are acknowledged to clients, only when they have replicated through the chain to the tail; and read requests are processed only by the tail. Consequently, after an object update is acknowledged to a Hibari client, other clients are guaranteed to see only the newest version of that object. This strong consistency is valuable in environments where ‘eventual consistency’ is at odds with the service level expected by end users, or where system designers do not want to clutter client applications with the logic required to manage data inconsistency.

The “length” of a chain is configurable and can be based on your desired degree of replication and redundancy. For example, a chain of length four would have a head brick, two middle bricks, and a tail brick; while a three-brick chain would have a head, one middle, and a tail. A chain can also operate at length two (a head and tail, with no middle) and even at length one (one brick playing both the head role and the tail role).

Because chains can operate at any length, and because the system is able to detect failures within the chain and to adjust member brick roles accordingly, Hibari delivers high availability as well as strong data consistency. For example, if in a three-brick chain the head brick goes down, the middle brick automatically takes over the head brick role, allowing the chain to continue functioning normally:


If the new head brick failed also, the lone remaining brick would then play both the head role and the tail role, processing all writes and reads itself as a single-brick “chain”.

While multiple logical bricks can run on a single physical node, for high availability it is of course desirable that a particular chain’s member bricks be deployed on separate machines. If you want to run multiple bricks per machine and also ensure high availability for each chain, an attractive deployment option is to “stripe” the chains across machines:


Note also that because head bricks (receiving incoming write requests) and tail bricks (replying to write requests and processing read requests) bear more load than do middle bricks, load balancing across machines can be achieved in part by allocating the different brick roles evenly, as in the diagram above.

In the event of a physical node failure, bricks within each impacted chain automatically shift roles, and each chain continues to provide normal service to clients:


For further information about chain replication, fail-over, and recovery in a Hibari storage system, and for information about Hibari’s redundantly structured cluster membership application called the Admin Server, see these sections of the Hibari System Administrator’s Guide:

  • link:hibari-sysadmin-guide.en.html#hibari-architecture[Hibari Architecture]
  • link:hibari-sysadmin-guide.en.html#life-of-brick[The Life of a (Logical) Brick]
  • link:hibari-sysadmin-guide.en.html#dynamic-cluster-reconfiguration[Dynamic Cluster Reconfiguration]
  • link:hibari-sysadmin-guide.en.html#admin-server-app[The Admin Server Application]


Easy, Affordable Scalability

Hibari provides Big Data scalability while minimizing the cost and operational complexity of cluster growth:

  • Hibari scales horizontally by the addition of more chains, deployed on more physical nodes. The total storage and processing capacity of a Hibari cluster increases linearly as machines are added to the cluster.
  • The system rebalances data storage distribution automatically as chains are added to (or removed from) the cluster, with no downtime. You can grow (or shrink) your Hibari storage cluster with no service interruption.
  • Hibari runs on commodity PCs. Further, the system easily accommodates heterogeneous hardware resources. Bricks within the storage cluster can have different RAM and disk sizes, and different CPU speeds. You can tune Hibari’s consistent hash function to optimize your cluster’s utilization of mixed hardware. Each chain can be assigned a weighting factor that will increase or decrease that chain’s portion of the overall key space, relative to other chains.

In addition to supporting mixed hardware, Erlang-based Hibari can run on most any OS. With its easy adaptability to disparate hardware and operating systems, you can scale Hibari incrementally, with whatever resources you have available. It’s not necessary to buy all your resources at once, or all of the same kind.


The outer limits of Hibari’s horizontal scalability have not been definitely determined, but 200 to 250 nodes is a practical boundary due to the limitations of Erlang’s built-in network distribution implementation. Also, while Hibari chains could theoretically be stretched across multiple data centers to provide geographic redundancy, to date only single data center deployments have been tested and used in production.

For further information on resizing a Hibari cluster, see link:hibari-sysadmin-guide.en.html#dynamic-cluster-reconfiguration[Dynamic Cluster Reconfiguration] in the Hibari System Administrator’s Guide.


High Performance, Especially for Reads and Large Values

Several features work in combination to drive high performance in a Hibari storage cluster, even at Big Data scale:

  • The Erlang technology that underlies Hibari was specifically designed for and excels at distributed parallel processing.
  • Hibari’s implementation of consistent hashing and chain replication partitions the key-space across multiple chains, enabling parallel simultaneous processing of requests incoming to individual chains. The distribution of data across chains is tunable to allow optimal utilization of heterogeneous hardware resources.
  • Hibari’s chain replication implementation further aids performance by assigning storage bricks differentiated processing roles as head, middle, or tail. This division of labor particularly benefits read performance, as read requests are processed by “tail” bricks that do not bear the load of initial processing of write requests (since that work is done by “head” bricks).
  • Hibari supports a number of performance-tuning options on a per-table basis. For example, while some distributed KVDBs support only disk-based storage or only RAM-based storage of value blobs, Hibari lets you choose RAM+disk-based or disk-only storage on a per-table basis, depending on your application needs. Whichever storage option you choose, all data changes are logged to disk to ensure data durability in the event of power failures. A batch commit technique is used to minimize disk I/O.

Leveraging this feature set, Hibari is able to deliver scalable high performance that is competitive with leading open source NOSQL storage systems, while also providing the data durability and strong consistency that many systems lack. Hibari’s performance relative to other NOSQL systems is particularly strong for reads and for large value (> 200KB) operations. Hibari’s consistently high performance even for large values distinguishes the system from solutions that are tailored toward small value operations.

As one example of real-world performance, in a multi-million user webmail deployment equipped with traditional HDDs (non SSDs), Hibari is processing about 2,200 transactions per second, with read latencies averaging between 1 and 20 milliseconds and write latencies averaging between 20 and 80 milliseconds.


Simple But Powerful Client API

As a key-value store, Hibari’s core data model and client API model are simple by design: blob-based key-value pairs can be inserted, retrieved, and deleted from lexicographically sorted tables. While Hibari thus provides the flexibility and scalability associated with key-value stores, the system also provides distinctive features that enhance the power of client applications and developers:

  • Clients can optionally assign per-object expiration times.
  • Clients can optionally assign per-object custom flags. This flexible, custom meta-data can be updated with or without updating the associated value blob, and can be retrieved with or without the value blob.
  • Objects are automatically timestamped each time they are updated. This timestamping mechanism facilitates “test-and-set” type operations: clients can specify that a requested operation be performed only if the target key’s timestamp matches the client’s expectations.
  • Within key-prefix range limits (specifically, within individual chains but not across chains), Hibari’s client API supports atomic transactions. This support for “micro-transactions” sets Hibari apart from other open source KVDBs and can greatly simplify the creation of robust client applications.

Hibari supports multiple client API implementations including:

  • Native Erlang
  • Universal Binary Format (UBF)
  • Thrift
  • Amazon S3

You can develop Hibari client applications in a variety of languages including Java, C/C++, Python, Ruby, and Erlang.

For further information about Hibari’s client API, see link:#client-api-erlang[Client API: Native Erlang] and the subsequent client API chapters in this guide.


The Hibari source distribution does not include Amazon S3 and JSON-RPC. They are separate external projects.



While initial development work on Hibari was geared generally toward the data storage demands of the Tier 1 telecom sector, as the system evolved it needed to meet the requirements of a particular major Asian carrier that wished to launch a GB webmail service. This customer’s requirements for Hibari included the following:

  • Several million users from the start.
  • Several billion stored messages within a few months of launch.
  • Hundreds of TB storage capacity.
  • Elasticity to support continual growth.
  • Low system costs, particularly since the service would employ the “freemium” model.
  • Individual messages could range in size from a few bytes to many MB with attachments.
  • Support for per-object meta-data required.
  • Strong consistency required, for interactive sessions.
  • Data durability required – loss of messages or meta-data unacceptable.
  • High availability – an “always on”, branded service.
  • Low latency, with < 1 second response times for end user transactions.

Hibari was built to meet these rigorous requirements, was hardened through extensive testing and trials, and went live in support of this large-scale webmail system at the beginning of 2010. The system now stores billions of messages on behalf of millions of end users, while meeting customer requirements for availability, latency, consistency, durability, and affordability.

Coinciding with Hibari’s development and fine tuning for this GB webmail service, the system was also deployed as a storage solution for two major Asian carriers’ mobile social networking services. In this context, Hibari stores user profile data as well as digital goods of varying types and sizes.


Hibari Benefits for Developers, System Administrators, and Businesses

For application developers, Hibari offers a distinctive set of benefits not often found in distributed key-value stores:

  • Strong data consistency guarantees that relieve client applications of the burden of managing potential inconsistencies.
  • Micro-transaction support that simplifies the creation of powerful applications.
  • Per-object custom flags that facilitate flexible, service-specific application design.
  • Support for a variety of API implementations and development languages.

For system administrators, Hibari provides valuable operational automations that simplify data management in a dynamic storage environment:

  • Automatic data replication.
  • Automatic failover when a node goes down.
  • Automatic repair when a failed node comes back up.
  • Automatic rebalancing of data as a cluster grows or shrinks.

For businesses as a whole, Hibari offers affordable Big Data scalability while delivering the high availability and low latencies that service users demand. Hibari is an appropriate storage solution for a range of data-intensive service scenarios including but not limited to large-scale messaging, social media, and archiving. Hibari offers particular value in environments that require strong data consistency and/or high performance across a variety of object types and sizes.